School Day Timings
Miss Tinker / Mrs Upton will be in the office during the day
8am - Breakfast Club begins in the school hall
8.40am - Start of the day for Paul Robeson Class (Y3/4)
8.45am - Start of the school day for Ellie Simmonds Class (REC/Y1), Florence Nightingale Class (Y2) and Alan Turing Class (Y5/6)
10.20am - Morning break for 20 minutes for each class
12pm until 1pm - Dinner in the hall for whilst other classes have playtime
1pm - Afternoon starts
2.50pm on Mondays - Awards Assembly with parents invited
3.20pm - Ellie Simmonds Class (REC/Y1) and Florence Nightingale Class (Y2) finish
3.25pm - Paul Robeson Class (Y3/4) and Alan Turing Class (Y5/6) finish
3.30pm - After school activities begin