High Peak Federation

Assessment and Progress

We assess the children at regular intervals against Curriculum objectives. Children will be emerging, expected or exceeding for each year group - this is in-line with National descriptors.


We use two forms of assessment:

Summative Assessments

These give us a picture of how children are doing prior to, or at the end of a unit of work. We carry these out regularly to help us plan effectively for children's next steps in their learning and to ensure we do not teach children what they already know. National Assessments (SATs, Y1 Phonics) are also examples of Summative Assessments.

Formative Assessments

This is the day-to-day assessment that takes place within the children's learning. Here, we involve the children and their peers too in making decisions about how they are doing within a lesson or at the end of a piece of work. Children can then take more ownership of their learning and make improvements based on their thoughts - they are supported by adults at school in this process. This approach gives the children skills for life and encourages them to be much more involved in the learning process. In Formative Assessment, the teachers are also very involved in the learning taking place within a lesson and can support / extend learning opportunities much more quickly. When Formative Assessment is done well, it is the most effective tool for accelerating learning and progress.

In EYFS we use an assessment system called TAPESTRY. This enables parents to be very involved in the learning experiences for children in Reception.