High Peak Federation

Florence Nightingale Class - Year 2



Welcome to Florence Nightingale Class. We are a Year Two class taught by Miss Schofield, with the support of our wonderful Teaching Assistants.

In Florence Nightingale Class we embed and build on the learning that the children have already acquired in previous years.


As we are a brand new class with a brand new classroom, learning experiences will be added to the page as we experience them.

Upcoming Events 

Wednesday 11th September - Trip to Torr Vale Mill, New Mills.  1:30pm-3:30pm

Autumn Term 2024 Newsletter and Learning

Zones of Regulation

The class are engaging in learning about the zones of regulation and have been able to explain how they are feeling, the document below explains how the zones work.  We have bags containing resources in the classroom for the pupils to use when in any zone but green.