High Peak Federation

Sports Premium Funding

Follow the link below for this year's review...

Sports Premium Review 22-23

Recent outcomes:

  • We are now teaching an even wider area of the PE curriculum (including archery and teamwork activities)
  • Staff have received Swimming instructor CPD 
  • Well-being sessions linked to Physical Activity have been provided
  • We have included PE activities linked more closely to New Mills Cluster events
  • Our participation in New Mills Cluster events means 100% of our children are involved in competitive and Festival based activities at least once every term
  • We have included even better quality Dance and Gymnastics units 
  • The PE specialist has offered support to staff in delivering high quality PE and resources have been purchased to improve delivery of throwing and catching skills for this group of children
  • Additional play equipment is now in place and used daily to encourage more active and adventurous play
  • A termly PE assessment for all children has been introduced with much progress being seen
  • A range of funding bids have been successful and utilised to improve playground areas
  • Children have achieved highest finishing positions in many of the tournaments attended this year as skills continue to improve and have also attended more events and festivals
  • Children have participated in more PE activities than in any previous year
  • Dance / Drama provision has been provided to make learning more active
  • An outdoor interactive screen has been provided and is promoting exercise and healthy lifestyles
  • Both schools have been judged Platinum standard for Sports Mark award. 

We have organised our PE provision with our specialist coaches to make links with other school priorities:

AUTUMN 1 - FITNESS BASED (boxercise, circuits, etc) - Aimed at improving the core fitness of the children.

AUTUMN 2 - CREATIVITY BASED (dance) - Making a link to our Artsmark development.

SPRING 1 - CONTROL BASED (gym, martial arts) - Helping the children to develop self-control, discipline and high quality  


SPRING 2 - INCLUSIVE BASED (boccia, bowls, archery) - Engaging in activities that are accessible to all.

SUMMER 1 - MULTI-SKILLS BASED (traditional games) - Applying skills of fielding, catching, throwing, striking, receiving, tactics,

                                                                                                teamwork, etc.

SUMMER 2 - PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT BASED (athletics) - Making a link to Maths and IT in recording and improving



Children have regular swimming lessons - the children who attend changes at February Half-Term. However, some children continue to swim all year round so they are able to complete the end of Year Six requirement:

  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • Use a range of strokes effectively
  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

All Year Six children achieved these requirements at the end of 22-23.