High Peak Federation


The High Peak Federation is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent, effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school.

 We follow the procedures set out by the Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board in the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Procedures (www.derbyshirescb.org.uk) and take account of guidance issued by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (in particular Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education). We make updates to our Safeguarding protocols following most recent guidance and work closely with the PEGS schools to update all relevant policies, improve practice and share latest developments. We also undertake a yearly Safeguarding Audit (Head teacher, Chair and Governor Safeguarding lead) and form an Action Plan to address any outstanding areas of need. 

All our staff (including governors) have undertaken up-to-date training in Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment and are familiar with the most recent guidance for professionals. All those who work with the children (including our governors) have to be cleared through DBS and need to declare their suitability to work with children and read the updated Keeping children safe in education document. DBS details are kept on a Single Central Record, which is constantly updated, and checked termly by our Safeguarding governor.

 Recent training has included:

  • Safeguarding for Small schools (Head teachers and Governors) 
  • Safer Recruitment training 
  • Safeguarding Refresher (Deputy Designated Lead)
  • CEOP training (Designated Lead)
  • Safeguarding Refresher (Chair, Head teacher, Safeguarding Governor) 
  • Stronger Families Safer Children (Designated Lead)
  • Online Safety (Desinated Lead)
  • Safeguarding Designated Leads Primary Forum (Designated Lead)
  • Whole Staff Safeguarding Training (All Staff)
  • FGM Briefing (Designated Lead and Deputy Designated Lead)
  • CSE Briefing (Designated Lead and Deputy Designated Lead)   
  • Radicalisation / Extremism Briefing (Designated Lead  / Deputy Designated Lead)
  • DSL Briefing (Designated Lead)

If you want to know more about our procedures, please speak to the Head, Mr Ashley Parry, who is also the designated Child Protection Officer or to our Deputy Designated Child Protection Officers - Mrs Belli at Thornsett and Mrs Holt at Newtown.


Under the Counter Terrorism and Security Act all frontline staff also require an understanding of PREVENT.
PREVENT covers risk and threat, vulnerability, susceptibility, safeguarding and the process of radicalisation.
Senior staff completed the first available PREVENT training in November 2015 and have received regular additional training since.
Important messages from the PREVENT training have been shared with all staff and appropriate discussions with the children have also taken place.
Safeguarding in the Curriculum
We have a comprehensive, and ever improving approach, to ensure all our children are safe.
These include the  following initiatives:
  • Implementing the PHSE Matters scheme of work
  • Providing NSPCC Childline training for the children - KS1 and KS2 sessions 
  • Updating our web filtering 
  • Discussions with the children in class and assemblies about their thoughts regarding their safety
  • Helping children to both recognise and resolve conflicts themselves
  • Promote physical health and well-being (5/60 and DARE25 programmes)
  • Assemblies led by significant personnel (PCSO, RNLI Safety, Safety around dogs, etc...)
  • Visits from Fire Safety team
  • Older children being buddies to younger children at lunch-time
  • Meeting children and parents before and after school
  • Improving security / access to and from school
  • Ensuring children are secure in being able to discuss any worries with us, by promoting a nurturing relationship based on trust
  • High Peak Kids Council meeting with Steve Boyd (DCC) to discuss Anti-Bullying as a pupil voice
  • Continue to discuss and celebrate British Values
  • Provide well-being sessions and Art Therapy led by specialists
  • Employ an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
  • Engage with the I vengers (online safety) initiative and online safety learning
  • Engaging with BERT programme (DCC Award)  for RSE provision

Early Help Offer

As a cluster of schools we employ a family resource worker. We also have support from the Early Help advisor for High Peak & North Dales to provide Early Help to our children and their families. These workers are able to facilitate courses for parents, signposting for families and practical solutions, in partnership with other agencies. This provision helps our local schools to further work together and provide support and stability for our most vulnerable families. 

Families – If you feel your family may benefit from the service please contact school to discuss further and they can support you with making a referral.

Further support may be found on the following websites

https://www.safe4me.co.uk/resources/ - Advice and Support for parents, carers and guardians as part of our commitment to working in partnership to keep children and young people safe.

https://services.actionforchildren.org.uk/derbyshire/ - committed to helping the most vulnerable children and young people in the UK break through injustice, deprivation and inequality.

https://www.changegrowlive.org/young-people/derbyshire-cgl-young-peoples-service Derbyshire CGL is a free and confidential drug and alcohol outreach service for young people up to the age of 19.

Online Abuse

CEOP is here to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. 

We are here to help and give you advice, and you can make a report directly to us if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone you know in real life, or someone you have only ever met online.  We take all reports seriously and we will do everything we can to keep you safe. Click the CEOP link if you need to make a report or need advice.

i-vengers – | Online Safety Hub

Please click on the image above to find out how our pupils are leading on online-safety through the i-vengers programme.